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Ten10 Support Response Times

At Ten10, we understand the importance of prompt and reliable support. Whether you’re managing a critical issue or need assistance with a minor query, our support team is committed to providing timely and effective responses based on the severity of your issue. This article outlines our response times, the services we support, and how we prioritise issues according to their impact on your operations.

We categorise our response times based on the severity of the issue and the type of service you are using. Please refer to the table below for our detailed response times.

ServiceSeverity LevelAvailabilityResponse TimeSupport Channels
WordPress Care Plans
WordPress Hosting
Severity 1 (Service Offline)7am to 11pm Mon-Sun4 hoursEmail, Phone
Severity 27am to 11pm Mon-Sun6 hoursEmail, Phone
Severity 37am to 11pm Mon-Sun8 hoursEmail, Phone
Severity 4Business hours (Mon-Fri, excl bank holidays)8 working hoursEmail, Phone
Fix My WordPress7am to 11pm, 7 days a week2 hoursEmail, Phone
Domain Name Support (Without Hosting)Business hours (Mon-Fri, excl bank holidays)8 working hoursEmail
Billing and AccountsBusiness hours (Mon-Fri, excl bank holidays)8 working hoursEmail, Phone

Severity levels are determined by Ten10, and requests are addressed according to the level assigned to ensure the most efficient resolution process.

Services Overview

WordPress Care Plans:
Ten10’s WordPress Care Plans are designed to ensure your WordPress site runs smoothly and securely. Our plans include regular updates, backups, and proactive security monitoring. We provide extended support hours to assist with any issues, from performance concerns to plugin conflicts, helping you minimise downtime and keep your site in optimal condition.

WordPress Hosting:
Our WordPress Hosting service is tailored specifically for WordPress websites, offering optimised performance, enhanced security, and seamless updates. With Ten10’s WordPress Hosting, your site benefits from reliable uptime and fast loading speeds. Support is available to help with any hosting-related issues, ensuring your WordPress site remains accessible and performs well.

Fix My WordPress:
This specialised service is perfect for those who encounter specific problems with their WordPress site. Whether it’s a plugin conflict, theme issue, or general performance problem, the Fix My WordPress service aims to provide fast, effective solutions. Ten10’s team of WordPress experts can quickly diagnose and resolve issues, minimising disruption to your site.

Domain Name Support (Without Hosting):
For clients who manage their domains through Ten10 but do not host their websites with us, we provide dedicated support for domain-related inquiries. This includes assistance with domain renewals and any other domain-related issues. Our team ensures that your domain is correctly configured and remains operational.

Billing and Accounts:
Ten10’s Billing and Accounts support is here to help with any financial queries you may have. Whether you’re facing issues with payment processing, need to clarify an invoice, or require assistance with account management, our team is available during business hours to provide prompt and accurate support.

Severity Levels

Severity 1: Critical Impact – Service Down
This level is assigned to issues where your service is completely down or inaccessible, representing a critical impact on your operations. No workaround is available, making immediate action necessary. For WordPress Care Plans and WordPress Hosting, support is available from 7 AM to 11 PM, seven days a week, to resolve these critical problems.

Severity 2: High Impact – Major Functionality Affected
Severity 2 issues are serious but do not result in a complete service outage. These might include significant performance degradation or loss of key functionalities that hinder your ability to operate effectively. We aim to respond within 4 hours for these issues, with support available from 7 AM to 11 PM, seven days a week, for both WordPress Care Plans and WordPress Hosting.

Severity 3: Medium Impact – Limited Functionality Loss
These issues affect some aspects of your service but do not critically impair your operations. Examples include partial service disruptions, minor performance issues, or problems with non-essential functionalities. Ten10 provides a response within 8 hours for these issues, with support accessible from 7 AM to 11 PM, seven days a week.

Severity 4: Low Impact – Minor Issues
Severity 4 issues are minor concerns that do not affect the core functionality of your service. These may include cosmetic issues, minor bugs, or general inquiries. We aim to respond within 8 working hours, with support provided during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays). Although these are low-priority issues, Ten10 ensures that they are addressed promptly within our standard support framework.

Support Availability

Ten10’s support availability is tailored to meet the needs of each severity level and service type. For critical issues, such as Severity 1, we provide immediate support to minimise downtime. For lower-severity issues, email and phone support are readily available during designated hours, ensuring that all client concerns are addressed efficiently and effectively.

Contact details:

Email: hello@ten10.ie
Phone: (01) 556 3690
Contact Form

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ten10’s support hours?

Our support hours vary depending on the severity of the issue. For Severity 1 issues, we provide extended support hours (7 AM to 11 PM, seven days a week) for WordPress Care Plans and WordPress Hosting. For lower-severity issues, support is outlined in the table above.

How quickly will Ten10 respond to my support request?

Our response times depend on the severity of the issue. Please refer to the table above for specific response times based on the severity level and service type.

Does Ten10 offer emergency support?

Yes, for Severity 1 issues, we provide prompt support to ensure minimal downtime, especially for critical services like WordPress Hosting/Care Plans and Fix My WordPress issues.

What is included in Ten10’s WordPress Care Plans?

Our WordPress Care Plans include regular updates, backups, security monitoring, and extended support hours to ensure your WordPress site remains secure and performs well.

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